Saturday, January 25, 2020

Aspergers Syndrome and Autism Stereotypes and life

Aspergers Syndrome and Autism Stereotypes and life According to the Center for Disease Control, Autism (or a closely related disorder such as Aspergers Syndrome) affects 1 in 150 children in the United States. (Overview Autism, DD, NCBDDD, CDC) The first thing that you think of when you hear of Aspergers Syndrome or Autism; are the age old stereotypes that one with Aspergers Syndrome or Autism are labeled with, such as: that they cant feel emotions, they lack empathy, and most of all they are all like the guy from Rain Man. What about the positive side of having Aspergers Syndrome/Autism. Most of all, living with Aspergers Syndrome or Autism may come as a struggle, but with the right support anything is possible. Even though this is the twenty-first century; a lot of people still label people on the Autistic Spectrum with the age old stereotypes, but not all individuals on the spectrum abide by those stereotypes: The fact that individuals on the autism spectrum have no emotion is not true. The emotion is there; but the individual might have a hard time expressing those emotions, or the way the emotion is triggered is different then everyone elses. The myth about individuals on the spectrum not having a sense of humor is false. The individual on the spectrum might find different to be funny such as satire. It said that there is no capacity for improvement for those on the spectrum, and that is false. If the individual is given the right support and a positive environment, they will be able to improve. The age old stereotype within the autism spectrum is that they are all good at math, music or science, but that is a hit and miss situation. Sometimes an individual is bad at math but good at other things such as recognizing faces. (Carley 19-21) According to Reitman, Most stereotypes of persons with autism are that they are odd, aloof, strange, or loners. Those who are labeled with Aspergers tend to be thought of as nerds or brains but as people who lack basic social graces, lack manners, and do not have friends. Those characterizations are rarely the truth though and those with these labels often struggle to free themselves of them. (Reitman) What Reitman means; when an individual on the spectrum is labeled with these stereotypes it is a challenge for them to prove their community and the world wrong, and that they can achieve anything that they put their mind to. From Frys personal stand point, People on the spectrum tend to be labeled as: geeky nerdy people with no social skills, lack of empathy, sometimes as someone with a mental health issue rather than neurological condition, and as someone who may be learning disabled. (Fry) Not all people on the spectrum can calculate dates and generate calendars in their heads like Rain Man can. Only those with a form of Savant Syndrome have those kinds of abilities. According to Jackson, being talented at math is either a hit or miss: I am no genius in this area but a lot of AS kids are. It seems to be one thing that you either excel at or you dont. A lot of kids with AS love Latin, German, and definitely information technology (IT). There may be some subjects which are better suited to an AS persons brain but, generally speaking, we are not clones and have our own strengths and weaknesses. Despite the film Rain Man, we dont all have these amazing mathematical skills. (Jackson 123) The positives of having Aspergers Syndrome or Autism are, having an extraordinary memory and being honest. Lisa Rudy from has listed the top 10 terrific traits of Autistic people, and just to name a few of them: Autistics rarely judge other people, they are less materialistic, play fewer head games, and they have fewer hidden agendas. (Rudy) Pyles stated: Many people with Aspergers Syndrome tend to have normal or high levels of intelligence, and test in the high IQ ranges. Individuals with Aspergers Syndrome tend to have phenomenal memories, especially for things they are interested in. Most individuals with Aspergers Syndrome tend be very honest and they rarely tell lies. Lies dont work for them anyways. Also people with Aspergers Syndrome are law-abiding citizens. (Pyles 67-69) So if someone thinks an individual on the spectrum is lying and insist thats true; then that are wrong, because people on the Autistic Spectrum dont have a reason to tell lies, because of most the time when they do tell lies; they are bad at it and then they feel guilty for lying. Imagine that a person can remember almost everything that happened to them; in this cause that is true for individuals on the Autistic Spectrum. They can remember almost anything such as: exact details, places, events and sometimes exact date and time. According to Kanners research on Autism: Many of Kanners children had superb rote memory. They were able to remember and mechanically repeat large amounts of information. Some of the children were capable of memorizing and repeating long and unusual words. Others repeated the questions and answers of the Presbyterian Catechism, list of animals, nursery rhymes, a roster of the U.S. presidents, and lullabies in French. (Rodriguez 31) People on the Autistic Spectrum deal with everyday life the best way that they can; most of the time a person on the spectrum can lead an almost normal life with a little bit of help. For example, they would have to learn coping skills to deal with everyday dramas and to make the right decision during tough times, and social skills to help them get along in society. Society isnt made for those on the spectrum, and is actually made for a NeuroTypical. NeuroTypical is defined as: An informal term used by the online autism community to denote those whose neurological development and function is within the normal range. (A World Apart Definitions) That is no excuse though for a person on the spectrum to give up on society and live a stereotypical life. For those living on the spectrum, it is hard to pick up on social cues or figure out what is the right behavior for each social situation. Today, there are therapies and other resources out there such as, speech therapy, occupational therapy and social skills training. There are even specialists trained in working with people on the Autistic Spectrum. For example: Reitman works with individuals as young as 18 months and on into adulthood as well. With the younger individuals, Reitman addresses communication and social skills deficits through role-play, creation of rules and discussions of difficulties being encountered. For adolescents and adults, the struggles with miscommunication are frequent ones, as is the managing of ever-shifting priorities and responsibilities. Organization, self-esteem, initiation, and inattention are common issues that are addressed in therapy. (Reitman) Even though there are all these therapies and other resources out there, but not all of them is for every individual. I believe that there is no one treatment that works for everyone and that each individual is unique. The work we do is collaborative and aimed at helping the person to develop self-awareness, empathy, and perspective-taking skills. (Reitman) Then there is the view of the individual on the spectrum and how they view their everyday life. Fry takes it as it comes when it comes to life, he tries to build a network of friends and family who are autistic aware, tries to avoid situations were would not feel comfortable for example: social events or places where there would be too much sensory inputs and he takes time out to refocus. (Fry) What do sensory inputs mean? Sensory inputs are actually sensory issues. As worded by Zaks, sensory issues may be thought of as difficulties interacting or dealing with the environment posed by the way the autistic brain handles sensory information. (Zaks 7) But what sensory issues do those on the spectrum deal with in everyday life though? The sensory issues that an individual on the spectrum deals with on the day-to-day basis varies at times; sometimes it is either noises such as, loud music, scratching the chalk board, or the vacuum cleaner. Then there are also smells and lights. If an individual is in an area where the sound is getting to them to the point where it gets too much for them, Zaks said: The most obvious answer is to get away from the noise. But that is not always possible. Sometimes down out the din. Other chose to wear ear plugs. If an intolerable noise suddenly occurs, an autistic person may need to bolt from the scene until measures are taken to reduce or eliminate the source of distress. (Zaks 16) Sometimes individuals can be sensitive to smells. From personal experiences this all known too well. Some smells can make an individual psychical ill and sometimes sick, smells such as, a stinky diaper, strong perfume, and canned salmon. There are also other smells that would irritate almost anyone regardless of being on the spectrum or not, but it irritate and bothers those on the spectrum even more than it does to those that are not on the spectrum. Zaks suggests, If scents are unavoidable and make you sick, try wearing a special filtration mask such as those used by cyclists to eliminate car fume smells when they ride in traffic. (Zaks 12) Often times, people on the spectrum are sensitive to light. Lights that do not cause other people stress can sting or hurt the eyes of a person on the spectrum, and cause them severe headaches or induce nausea. Some individuals cant tolerate the flashing lights of the television or movies. Even though their vision may measure within the normal range at the eye doctors, yet they will still have a problem with painful eyes. (Zaks 13) However there are some suggestions though, the individual could get transitions lenses if they need prescription glasses, or wear lightly tented sun glasses if they do not need prescription glasses. Even though the first thing you think of when you hear of Aspergers Syndrome or Autism are the age old stereotypes. There still positive sides of being on the spectrum. While growing up with having Aspergers syndrome or Autism may be rough, but there is better help out there and more information then there was years ago. Years ago, the Autistic Spectrum was just being researched on and not much was known about it, but today there is more information out there for individuals on the spectrum to find and better oneself and become a more productive citizen of society. Instead of being a living stereotype like the world wants them to be.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Feminist and Other Psychoanalytic Trends Essay

The contributions of the socio-cultural approaches to personality, by theorists like Karen Horney, Nancy Chodorow and Margaret Mahler, focusing on social and cultural variables, are compared with that of biologically driven theories. â€Å"Freud had left psychoanalysis focused on the role played by biology in personality development. While biology is important to individual biography, so, too, are an individual’s life history and the presiding cultural and historical context†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kroger, 1996, p. 16). Karen Horney departed from some of the basic principles of Sigmund Freud and suggested social and cultural factors for neuroses and personality disorders. She differed from Freud’s view of female psychology and his inferior portrayal of women. Horney’s realization that, â€Å"Freudian female psychology was only an offshoot of male psychology, to be expected in a male-oriented culture, came when she experienced childbirth† (Foty, 2008, para. 1). She gave the concept of womb envy, opposite to the theory of penis envy, given by Freud. In her book, The Neurotic Personality of Our Time (1937), Horney phrased that â€Å"emphasis is put on the actually existing conflicts and the neurotic’s attempts to solve them†, in the treatment of neurosis. (p. vii). She did not discount the importance of childhood experiences, as theorized by Freud, but disliked the â€Å"one-sided fascination† that childhood held for psychoanalysts (p. vii). According to Freud the tussle between id, ego and superego lead to anxiety. However, Karen Horney in her book, Self Analysis (1942), said that, â€Å"Freud’s disbelief in a wish for self development is linked up with his postulate that the ego is a weak agency tossed about among the claims of instinctual drives, of the outside world and of a forbidding conscience† (p. 23). She disagreed with this analysis and theorized that the infant’s anxiety is caused when the child feels isolated and alone in a hostile world. She argued that, â€Å"†¦Parental indifference, a lack of warmth and affection in childhood† causes anxiety (as cited in Boeree, 2006, Development section, para. 2). According to Horney, children have two basic needs: need for affection and approval, and need for safety. These two needs are the most important amongst the ten needs that she gave for dealing with anxiety and they emerge due to indifference or lack of warmth from parents. She gave three coping strategies for dealing with these needs: moving-toward, which is compliant type, similar to Adler’s getting or leaning approach; moving-against, which is the hostile type, similar to Adler’s ruling or dominant type; moving-away, which is the detached type, similar to Adler’s avoiding type ( Boeree, 2006, Theory section). â€Å"Freud brought forth the individual from the 19th-century family with his concept of the personal unconscious, reformulating ideas about gender and sexuality†. Thereafter feminism â€Å"gained support from psychoanalysis, which was itself transformed by war, revolution, socio-cultural change†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , and theories given by Horney and Melanie Klein (Lieberman, 2004). Melanie Klein’s Object Relations Theory emphasized the ego development of the children, during their early years, as being related to parts of objects rather than the whole. â€Å"Margaret Mahler conducted extensive observations of healthy mother-infant and mother-toddler dyads in a naturalistic setting to delineate the process by which the child differentiates itself from its primary care-taker and becomes an autonomous person†(Kroger,1996, p. 51). According to Mahler, â€Å"separation and individuation† are the processes used by infants in the early years of life. Separation is the child’s â€Å"emergence from a symbiotic fusion with the mother†, whereas individuation is â€Å"those achievements marking the child’s assumption of his own individual characteristics† (p. 51). Mahler gave four stages of separation- individuation process: Differentiation (5 to 10 months), which is the beginning of the difference between self and the primary caregiver; Practicing (10 to 16 months), which marks the emergence of motor abilities; Rapprochement (16 to 24 months), during which, â€Å"children first get a real sense that they are individuals, separate from their mothers† (â€Å"Mahler†, 2007); Consolidation and object Constancy (24 to 36 months), in which the kids know that their mother will be back and are not anxious in their absence. Two processes take place at this last phase: â€Å"The achievement of a definite†¦ individuality†, and â€Å"the attainment of a certain degree of object constancy†(Kroger, 1996, p. 53). In her book The Reproduction of Mothering, Nancy Chodorow (1978), another Object Relations theorist, pointed out, â€Å"women experience a sense of self-in-relation that is in contrast to men’s creation of a self that wishes to deny relation and connection†(p. viii). Mother’s â€Å"by virtue of their gender, experience daughters like them and sons unlike†. Consequently, girls and boys internalize these differences and â€Å"transform these unconscious maternal communications through their own intra-psychic capacities†. (p. viii). This leads to men being more independent and women more empathetic. The girls attachment to her mother is â€Å"preoedipal†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦concerned with â€Å"early mother-infant relational issues† and â€Å"issues of dependence and individuation†. A Boy’s â€Å"attachment to his mother† is oedipal, expressing â€Å"his sense of difference and masculine oppositeness to her†. (p. 97). Freud’s Oedipus complex was to explain sexual identity whereas the individuation process explains the child’s gender identity. Separation-individuation theory outlines the importance of â€Å"nurture in human development† (Edward, Ruskin & Turrini, 1991, p. 3). The relationship between mother and child during infancy plays an integral role in the child’s growth in later years. â€Å"†¦separation-individuation assumes different developmental pathways for men and women, with men cultivating a personality style that emphasizes autonomy and women cultivating one in which attachment needs take precedence†(Gnaulati & Heini, 2001). References Boeree, C. G. (2006). Personality theories. In Shippensburg University my website. Retrieved March 10, 2008, from http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/perscontents. html. Chodorow, N. (1978). The reproduction of mothering: Psychoanalysis and the sociology of gender. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press. Edward, J. , Ruskin, N. , Turrini, P. (1992). Separation/Individuation: Theory and application. (2nd ed. ). New York: Brunner-Routledge. Foty, G. R. (1988). A Mind of Her Own: The Life of Karen Horney. Smithsonian, 19, n5. p. 127(2). Retrieved March 15, 2008, from British Council Journals Database via Gale: http://find. galegroup. com/ips/start. do? prodId=IPS Gnaulati, E. , & Heine, B. J. (2001). Separation-individuation in late adolescence: an investigation of gender and ethnic differences. The Journal of Psychology, 135, 1. p. 59(12). Retrieved March 15, 2008, from British Council Journals Database via Gale: http://find. galegroup. com/ips/start. do? prodId=IPS Horney, K. (1942). Self analysis. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. Horney, K. (1937). The neurotic personality of our time. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. , Ltd. Kroger, J. (1996). Identity in adolescence: The balance between self and other. London: Routledge. Lieberman, E. J. (2004). Zaretsky, Eli. Secrets of the Soul: A Social and Cultural History of Psychoanalysis. Library Journal, 129, 10. p. 162(1). Retrieved March 15, 2008, from British Council Journals Database via Gale: http://find. galegroup. com/ips/start. do? prodId=IPS Mahler’s Theory of Development. (2007). KidsDevelopment. Retrieved March 15, 2008, from http://www. kidsdevelopment. co. uk/MahlersDevelopmentTheory. html

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Euthanasia Is Not A Wrong Thing - 1195 Words

People who are terminally ill may find their life severely damaged and their loved ones go through an equal amount of mental agony. We face many choices in our daily lives, but often the right choices are not the easiest ones. We think about our choices, their alternatives, our feelings, our beliefs and priorities. It is often difficult to determine whether our decisions are right or wrong. Euthanasia is one such act that is a cause of global moral dilemma. It is an act of painlessly putting a person suffering from an incurable disease which is severely painful, to an end. What I personally feel about this act is this that euthanasia is not a wrong thing to act upon. If a person is terminally sick and has no chances of survival, he/she may be relieved of the prolonged pain through euthanasia. I see no wrong doing in this act at all. People often say â€Å"someone has to decide what nature and God used to decide for us†. I am against this notion because I feel that the situation is completely different and it is better to relieve a person off tremendous sufferings and pain rather than prolonging it, even though it may be the toughest decision to make. It is still banned in many parts of the world since it is considered to be a suicide of done by the patient and murder if the doctor suggests it. It is nothing but an act of mercy by ending the life of the suffering will be morally acceptable before discussing further let us know the various types of euthanasia: †¢Show MoreRelatedEssay on The Pros and Cons of Euthanasia1086 Words   |  5 PagesEuthanasia, good or bad? In this following article I will be exploring euthanasia in more detail, the different Christian points of view, the strengths and weaknesses of the euthanasia argument and finally my poi nt of view on euthanasia and why I believe this. First of all, what is euthanasia? It is something that not many people think about until they or a friend or family member is put in a position where they might actually have to consider it. Euthanasia, in the dictionary, simply is: theRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1236 Words   |  5 PagesOxford English Dictionary, â€Å"euthanasia† is defined as â€Å"the means of bringing a gentle and easy death† (â€Å"euthanasia† def. 2). Today, euthanasia is a method used in the medical field to put an end to a patient’s agony by taking their life for them, making it a very controversial topic. Many people argue that it is morally wrong to take a human life, and others may argue that it is even more wrong to make someone suffer more than they need to. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Crucible Comparison - 741 Words

The film version of The Crucible depicts the play achieving several depth by depth characteristics that are very similar to the play. The film The Crucible (1996) is introduced chronologically, comparing side by side it is very exact to that of the play. This whole film is based on one simple element and that is witchcraft, the Salem Witch Trials which killed 19 innocent lives who were believed to be associated with the Devil, and believed they were witches that had the ability to fly wherever and whenever they wanted to. The setting of the film is based in Salem, Massachusetts as it is the same in the play. It is based during the 1690s when the Salem Witch Trials was occurring, which several innocent men and women would be killed for†¦show more content†¦During the first scene; the film depicts as in the play is the forest, Betty is unconscious in both the film and movie, but the distinction between both is that the film included the girls casting spells to make the men love them, in the book it just said the girls were dancing while Tituba was making the spells. Reverend Parris then questions Abigail Williams in order to find what was going on at midnight, which in both the film and play are identical. The following scenes after the first are based on the play, as said it is chronologically after Abigail is questioned by Reverend Parris, Betty is still not woken and it forces Reverend Hale to visit Salem and see if witchcraft exists. Reverend Hale questions Abigail in both the film and play, which she blames Tituba a slave from Barbados, and is being whipped until she confesses and the accusations are starting to occur. Judges have to come forth, and reissue the town back to normal and remove the Devil from â€Å"spreading.† In the film a particular scene is shown the town moving out of Abigail Williams way and not staring at her, because the many she accused most of them were hanged. John Proctor in both the film have the same personalities they both dislike Abigail Williams he doesnt like Abigail Williams, and Abigail wants to kill his wife to die, so she is accused. 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In both instances, preconceive d notions and ChristianityRead MoreComparison of Elizabeth Proctor with Abigail Williams in Arthur Millers The Crucible694 Words   |  3 PagesComparison of Elizabeth Proctor with Abigail Williams in Arthur Millers The Crucible Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Proctor, the leading female characters in The Crucible. Both show determination in order to get what they want. Abigail, a cunning girl that is out for revenge, feels she has superiority over many of the other characters even though she is only a young girl. Elizabeths character portrays a wife in distress after she finds out about her husbands affair