Monday, December 23, 2019

Nursing and Social Responsibility - 1468 Words

Citizenship for nurses Health professionals have obligations in regards of protection, promotion and optimization of health abilities to prevent from illness. It helps to guide in focusing the normal principals of care and justice and also motivates certain civic action. Social responsibility is â€Å"strongly linked to the values of professions in general and nursing in particular† and that â€Å"the underlying constructs of social responsibility, communication and teamwork are woven into the fabric of nursing s history and its code of ethics†(Kelley,2008). Communication, social responsibility and teamwork, are an integral part of the nursing profession. These three attributes of the profession comes through citizenship. This essay will†¦show more content†¦Nursing is the social responsibility in the community. Mainly social responsibility is rooted in relationships with others and it helps to guide in promoting these types of behaviours.. It also part of caring and justice as d istinct but compatible principles. Social responsibility is a value of personal identities. Social responsibility includes communication, compassion and disciplinary message. Nursing profession also has the capacity in helping to build up the society as well as its wellbeing. Social responsibility is define as reflecting to about that extend beyond personal wants, needs or gains(Gally,2006). Nursing has a commitment to fulfilling a social contract for care with society (Crigger, 2008; International Council of Nurses [ICN], 2006a;Kelley, Connor, Kun, amp; Salmon, 2008). Nursing’s social responsibility is also expressed within issues that affect the profession. To sum up, social responsibility motivates a certain kind of citizenship that roots in care and justice and stems from obligation to contribute to society. As a profession, nursing also has the capacity to focus on the well-being of a society in advocating for social change. (Pitzer College 2007) defines, social responsibility as a core value that includes awareness, knowledge, and behaviour based upon a commitment to the values of equity, access, and justice; a dedication to civic involvement andShow MoreRelatedEthics And Social Responsibility At The Nursing Field754 Words   |  4 Pages Latricia Johnson Ethics and Personal Organizations ETH/316 – Ethics and Social Responsibility Instructor: Penny Hylton January 11, 2015 Ethic and Personal Organizations This paper will explain my personal opinion of working ethical in an organization while working in the nursing field. While there are many different negative influents working all around you. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Nightmare Free Essays

â€Å"Do not forget to wash your legs before going to bed! † my mother used to tell me almost every night if I were at home. Noon might get a nightmare. † I never believed her until it happened to me. We will write a custom essay sample on Nightmare or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was on a night at my hostel Sole Slash, when all of my housemates were going back home as It was a three-day weekend. Since my house was In Pang and it took about 4 hours to get there, I decided to stay here alone. Moreover, there were tons of assignments need to be done. I was preparing the slides for my book review presentation when all of sudden there was a blackout and It was totally dark. Only God knew how I felt on that particular moment. Thank God, It was only for only about 15 minutes. I continued finishing my slides then. I kept on doing my assignment without bothering to look at the clock. Finally, I feel very contented as the slides had done beautifully and creatively by me. I wanted to do other assignments but when I glanced at the clock, It was already three In the morning! I realized that I was really exhausted and my eyes needed some rest after hours staring at the laptop screen. I turned off the laptop and went straight into my darkened room without brushing teeth and washing legs. With the help of the dim light from the street lamp nearby my room, I saw a figure sleeping on my bed. As I got nearer, the figure suddenly threw away the blanket, got up and stared at me. It was an old woman with shiny gold teeth. She raised her claw-like fingers and walked towards me. I ran to the outside where there was a badminton court. My surroundings were slowly starting to melt: the trees, the hostel blocks around me, the sky and the pathway to a garage. It seemed that I was about to dissipate as well, becoming a puddle of glue-like substance left on the ground. I noticed the creepy old woman was already behind me. I wanted to run but was unable to. I tried to scream but found that I could not. In horror I struggled and struggled to get away from the frightful woman. She dragged me to a creepy room and I was tied on a bed that looked like similarly my bed. She then went outside of the room and sang, sang, sang continuously. Soon I drifted off into a troubled sleep. I kept hearing the woman’s voice even in my sleep. The next moment I gave a muffled yell and found myself panting on my bed. I heard someone was singing happily and when I went to take a look, it was Sarah who was doing her assignment on my study desk. My goodness, what a horrible nightmare it was! Sarah wished me good morning and told me that I slept with the door unlocked so she went In and found that I was still sleeping. â€Å"You look so pale. Are you okay? † she asked me. For a minute or so I lay on the sofa not daring to close my eyes for fear of falling asleep again and continuing the nightmare. Then I sat up on my bed until the horrible feeling passed. From then on I never went to sleep without washing my legs. Nightmare By Sylvania almost every night if I were at home. Mimi might get a nightmare. † I never believed her until it happened to me. It was on a night at my hostel Sole Cassia, when all of my housemates were going back home as it was a three-day weekend. Since my house was in Pang and it took about 4 hours to get there, I decided to stay here and it was totally dark. Only God knew how I felt on that particular moment. Thank God, it was only for only about 15 minutes. I continued finishing my slides then. I kept other assignments but when I glanced at the clock, it was already three in the light from the street lamp nearby my room, I saw a figure sleeping on my bed. As I got slept with the door unlocked so she went in and found that I was still sleeping. How to cite Nightmare, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

“We Should Cherish Our Children’s Freedom to think” by Kie Ho Article Review free essay sample

School education is where people can get the knowledge from; however, to find the true method to transmit the detail to students is difficult. Should we give kids freedom to think in their study? Or should we focus on the teach knowledge of their learning? In the article, â€Å"We Should Cherish Our Children’s Freedom to think†, the author Kie Ho compares the education in India and America. He demonstrates that school should teach students how to improve their critical thinking skills rather than try to make them memories the knowledge into their brains. Ho beliefs that American education’s quality is better than other countries (p 113). On the other hand, in Hirsch article, â€Å"Teach Knowledge, Not â€Å"Mental Skills†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, he argued that school should teach students more knowledge rather than mental skills. Solve problems are the essential skills, but their relevant knowledge depends on the wealth (p 116). Both articles are about education, but authors have a different opinion on their viewpoints. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"We Should Cherish Our Children’s Freedom to think† by Kie Ho: Article Review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I agree with Hirsch that school should let students know more knowledge to support their problem-solving skills because students will lost interested in their learning if schools focus more on the mental skills. The three parts to analyze on both articles in this essay are claims of the author mention, data or evidences use to support the argument, and warrants in both piece.The first parts to analyze are claims of the author want to present in the article. The main claim in Ho’s article is he wants people should let their kids develop their critical and freedom to think by themselves rather than forces them to study by the standard rules. This point can make audiences definitely agree with Ho because the essential part of education is giving the student freedom to think. He also argues that the education system in American is better than other countries. The author restricts his ideas because he claiming that the only country recognizes the freedom to think in education is America, which create a problematic aspect in his article.